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Handling of the o2c-Player

Mouse and Keyboardcontrol

The o2c-Player is a very powerful tool, but very easy to control. Everyone can intuitively use it.


Pressed left mouse button
View the object from every side.
Pressed right mouse button
Zoom in and out by moving the mouse up and down.
cursor-pan Shift + Pressed left mouse button
Shift the o2c-objects in the window by moving the mouse.
Ctrl + Pressed left mouse button
Zoom in and out by moving the mouse up and down.
cursor-anim Clicking left mouse button
Start the internal object animation.

Clicking right mouse button
Open context menu.
cursor-info Hover over parts of the object
Moving the cursor on particular parts of the objects may show tooltip-information, if saved in the object.


cursor-f2 Walk-Through-Mode
You are in the walk-through-mode.
cursor-f2-free Pressed right mouse button
Look around without moving.
cursor-f2-for Pressed left mouse button
Move forward.
cursor-f2-back Pressed left mouse button
Move backwards.
cursor-f2-rleft Pressed left mouse button
Turn left.
Pressed left mouse button
Turn right.
cursor-f2-sleft Pressed left mouse button
Move left forward.
cursor-f2-sright Pressed left mouse button
Move right forward.
cursor-f2-slleft Pressed left mouse button
Move left.
cursor-f2-slright Pressed left mouse button
Move right.
cursor-f2-up Shift + Pressed left mouse button
cursor-f2-down Shift + Pressed left mouse button
Go down.


cursor-tasten Rotate the object by pressing the arrow-keys
f2 F2-Key toggles between Standard- and Walk-through-mode
The Keys 1-4 switch on or off standard light sources. Key 5 switches on or off internal light sources of the object, if it contains lights.

About information / help

To provide support for the handling, integration and use of our products, we have composed the guides listed below. If you have additional questions, just call our service hotline or email. We will respond to your inquiry as quickly as possible.


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